You’ve heard the cheesy phrase, “There’s no I in team” but we disagree. Here you are…you, yourself, a team of one. You started with a vision, you put in the good work, you wore many hats, and now you have created an unbelievable business. As time has progressed, you have come to find that the […]

We are firm believers in the idea that you should continue working on your business no matter how successful things are! Many people hear this and think “how will I have time for professional development?” The honest answer? You have to MAKE time. Imagine setting aside two hours a week (that is 17 minutes a […]

One of the most common questions we get from creative business owners who are thinking about growing a team is, “But how do I know if I’m ready to build a team?” This is the very first mindset hurdle you need to jump— figuring out how (and even IF) a team is right for you and […]