Our Blog

You'll find resources to help you build your team, work less, and make more as you grow your business. We hope these resources will help you on your journey of building a team, and that you'll reach out to us if we can provide additional support.  Enjoy!

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So you think you’re ready to scale your wedding business, start outsourcing tasks, and eventually grow a team (even if small but mighty)? Doing so usually sparks one of two feelings for a wedding business owner: extreme excitement or terrorizing fear. You’re either ready to get someone onboarded now so that you can stop doing […]

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LinkedIn is an incredible platform that often scares people away. They fear the complexities of it and don’t always get the same joy scrolling as they would on Instagram or Facebook. But hold on just a second! We are here to tell you that LinkedIn is the perfect platform to leverage when finding and hiring […]

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We’ve all had that boss. You know the one. The one that didn’t take the time to connect with you. The boss that barked orders but rarely stopped to listen. That guy that wasn’t approachable or offered training when you needed to develop your skills. You tried to fly under the radar with for fear […]

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You dreamt up the perfect business. You built it. It became incredibly successful and things were going swimmingly. You were loving the solopreneur life without a risk or care in the world. Then your business grew larger than you ever imagined and suddenly you found yourself making sacrifices. You started sacrificing time, you started turning […]

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You are ready to start your team but you are terrified you’re going to mess it up! As a matter of fact, this feeling has likely caused you to put off this decision for far too long. When you venture into something completely new, it can seem overwhelming and terrifying. Trust us, we know because […]

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You’ve built an amazing business and you’re ready to hire! But…who do you hire? Do you hire an independent contractor or an employee of your company? What’s the difference? Is an independent contractor better than an employee or vis versa? Does it matter? Oh the questions how they just keep coming!! Let’s dive in to […]

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Your business is like your baby! You’ve dreamt about it, prepared for it, nurtured it, and well…it grew. A lot! Really fast!! You are SO proud that it is time to build your team yet fear sinks in because you aren’t sure if you can fully let go. How do you trust someone, let alone […]

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Many small business owners are hesitant to build a team because they aren’t sure they can afford it. They worry that if they hire help, they won’t be able to pay their employee (s) in the future and they are afraid. They worry about failure and embarrassment if they were to take the next step […]

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SOPs, standard operating procedures, are critical when establishing your team. They ensure that everyone works like a well-oiled machine and they ensure that things can run smoothly without your eyes on every task being handled. Yet, despite the extreme importance of them, they can seem quite daunting. Where do you start? How do you start? […]

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You’ve heard the cheesy phrase, “There’s no I in team” but we disagree. Here you are…you, yourself, a team of one. You started with a vision, you put in the good work, you wore many hats, and now you have created an unbelievable business. As time has progressed, you have come to find that the […]

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We are firm believers in the idea that you should continue working on your business no matter how successful things are! Many people hear this and think “how will I have time for professional development?” The honest answer? You have to MAKE time. Imagine setting aside two hours a week (that is 17 minutes a […]

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Congratulations! You have built a small business and everything is going far better than you ever dreamed! However, you are finding yourself burning the candle at both ends. You are tired, you are putting in 100 hour work weeks, you miss your family, and you feel a bit stuck. Allow this to be the nudge […]

Brightly colored floral arrangement at wedding reception


The Abundance Group

At The Abundance Group (TAG), we are a community of resilient, kind, and resourceful wedding professionals who support and uplift one another. Led by Ashley Ebert.

Ashley owns a wedding planning business that has grown into a team of over 30 planners across 6 locations - grossing over $6 million in sales (and counting), but it definitely didn't start out that way.

Once her workload had outgrown the number of hours available in the day, Ashley knew the only way to grow her business and regain a sense of balance was to grow a team. Sound familiar?

With years of experience and a heart for helping small business owners, Ashley has dedicated herself to supporting entrepreneurs in scaling their businesses efficiently and joyfully.

After 10 years of scaling her wedding planning business to one of the largest wedding planning companies in the country, Ashley realized that the next chapter of her career was surrounding small business owners and getting them the support they deserved as they scaled their business. She pursued her dream of mentoring and building community with small business owners and founded The Abundance Group.

The Abundance Group isn't just a community; it's a lifelong passion project for an entrepreneur whose heart is to give the sense of freedom to as many small businesses as possible.

With ashley by your side, YOU CAN scale your business. YOU CAN LIVE YOUR DREAM. AND HAVE A WHOLE LOT OF FUN while DOING IT!