Being burned-out and feeling alone has been the norm, but that ends… today.

You’re right. I don’t want to go it alone anymore

As a business owner, you feel a profound level of pressure because you:

● Are alone in all of the decision making
● Work countless hours to keep up (and still feel behind)
● Know your money depends on how much you work
● Have unique challenges that others don’t understand
● Lack peers and the financial consistency of a “regular job”
● Don’t have any work/life balance
● Know friends and family don’t grasp your business

Of course you are feeling overwhelmed and isolated.

How much longer are you going to let it be this way? 

How much longer are you going to endure sleepless nights, endless worrying, and the “I’ll just have to hustle harder” attitude?


Let’s get real and talk about your two biggest stressors…

Time and Money.

Did you know that 65% of solopreneurs work 50+ hours a week, the average being 56 hours? No wonder you feel like you're working all the time, because you are!

And did you know that the average revenue for a solopreneur is only $69,000? That’s revenue. NOT take-home pay. Minus expenses, take home pay is closer to $45,000.

This means without a supportive team, on average, you make less than $15.50/hour. 

You could make more money working entry level at McDonalds. (And probably be a heck of a lot less stressed.)

You were made for more than feeling this overwhelmed, and you feel it in your bones.

Your vision for your life is more than constantly toting around your laptop (even on vacation… and the last one was eons ago btw.)

Your exhaustion and burnout are telling you something… and we are just going to lovingly come out and say it:

The only way to have the business and lifestyle you want is to build a supportive team. 

A team that not only consists of self sufficient staff, but of experienced coaches and an insightful community that always has your back.

You need to invite (the right) people in to help your business flourish.

People that have been in your shoes, that have the experience to guide you, that understand the grit it takes to build a business, and that ultimately are deeply committed to do what it takes to help you grow your business.

You are in the hardest stage in any business. You need to move through it as quickly as possible and become an OWNER.

No McDonald’s life for me - I want to be an owner.

What’s the difference between a solopreneur and a business owner? The answer is simply that a solopreneur works alone, whereas an owner has a team supporting them.

You need to build a team.

And yes, I can hear your hesitation through the screen.

You are saying things like:

“Payroll is too expensive”
“I don’t trust other people”
“SOPs are overwhelming”
“I tried it before and I failed”
“I’m better off just doing it myself”
“Leadership requires too much charisma”
“Building great team culture takes decades of experience”
“Managing virtually is more difficult”
“Hiring is so time consuming”

Or if we are being really honest with each other, maybe you think you don’t have what it takes to lead and you are worried you will be a bad boss.

Spoiler Alert

NONE of this is true.  And even bigger spoiler alert* Leadership isn’t about charisma; it’s about caring.

You care deeply for your business. It’s why you have worked so hard for so long. Your passion is why you are feeling so burned out. Your love of helping others through the business you have built, it’s why you push yourself to the limit.

Caring is something you excel at.

Leadership is simply a skill to be learned.

● A skill that has incalculable value in the world.
● A skill that builds relationships and opens up opportunity.
● A skill that will exponentially increase over time.
A skill that AI will never be able to replace.

Leadership skills are even valuable in an apocalypse. 

If danger was near, wouldn’t it be fantastic to have Rick Grimes, Lee Abbott, and G.H Scott in your corner?

While we are talking about the end of the world...

I’m sure you have heard some horror stories from other business owners about their experience scaling teams.

You hear that they scaled too fast and then just wanted to “burn it all down.”

They had problems like entitled employees, painfully high payroll, and they hired and trained people they liked only to have them leave.

But they could have avoided all that.

If they had invited (the right) people in to help their business and leadership skills flourish. 

And the good news is, that doesn’t need to be your story, because Ashley and Dale are here to help.

Meet Ashley Ebert and Dale Henry

Ashley Ebert

Owner of one of the largest wedding planning companies in the country with a team of 30 planners across 6 locations. With over 5.5 million in sales and an annual book of business of 300 - 400 weddings.

Ashley has led a large team for over 13 years and done it in one of the most difficult-to-scale markets. In the wedding world there is no repeat business and emotions run extremely high. This often creates employee turnover and burn out. But Ashley has built such a healthy company culture that team members have been with her for over 10 years - completely unheard of in the wedding world.

When she started, scaling to multiple 7 figures wasn’t originally the plan.

Instead the momentum of the business, like wind in their sails, propelled them to become a leader in the market. AND there was one key person in Ashley’s life helping her develop skills, and was with her every step of the way…

Dale Henry

Owner of a prolific leadership consulting company, Dale has been hired by over 50 Fortune 500 companies along with countless small and mid-sized businesses to improve the performance and lives of over 1.2 million people.

He's been named a Master Human Capital Strategist by the international Human Capital Institute, and is also a founding partner with Maxwell Leadership.


Because Dale is Ashley’s fun loving, crazy successful, joke telling Dad. 🥰

After all the success Ashley had with Dale by her side, she found herself:

Working only 5 - 10 hours a week

Retiring her husband

Bringing in a healthy six-figure income

With the freedom her planning company gave her, she knew it was time to bring to life a passion project they shared, to create a company that supports small business owners in building a business and life they love. 

And since they set out on their mission in 2017, they’ve coached over 500 small business owners.

Now they’re ready to bring you the team building secrets of billion dollar brands inside…

The Abundance Group

A High-Touch Coaching Program and Mastermind Community For Business Owners Scaling with Teams.

Led by Ashley Ebert and Dale Henry.

Standing shoulder to shoulder with you- providing actionable, clear next steps to build the healthy business (and life) you want.

Made for Small Business Owners Looking to Scale Their Team with Simplicity.

Even if you have tried to scale before. Even if you already have a team.

That's me!  I'm ready!

How do we help you build a rock solid team?  We take a triple threat approach:

1:1 High Touch Coaching

Groundbreaking Training and Tools

Collaborative Community

Coaching. Training. Community. 

Coaching: Have the right coaches in your corner.

Ashley Ebert + Dale Henry

With The Abundance Group (TAG) -
You don’t just get one expert coach, you get TWO.

Together they are a coaching team with unrivaled experience. With the fierce mission to equip the small business community with the skills they need to experience a life of freedom and purpose. 

What does coaching with Ashley and Dale look like?

Daily Text and Voice Access to Ashley.

You can reach out anytime you encounter a question or a problem. Voice coaching is unlimited and there when you need it. It’s like having the sounding board and business mentor you have always dreamt of - in your pocket!

30 Minute Private Coaching Sessions with Dale.

These sessions provide the focused attention you need. They are designed to help you navigate challenges that require a more in-depth discussion, ensuring you receive tailored advice and actionable solutions directly from the expert that equipped the very best of the best.  

Weekly Audits + Reviews by Dale or Ashley.

Need someone to give you feedback on an SOP? Help you get unstuck when writing a job description? Or maybe you need someone to review an email of termination before you send it out? Once a week you can submit an item to the TAG Team and we will give you our expert feedback.

I can talk to you every day? Heck yes, I’m in!  

At The Abundance Group - we have helped over 500 business owners get unstuck and build the team of their dreams. We have helped our clients:

● Quadruple their income
● Take month long sabbaticals
● Hire hundreds of employees
● Cut their hours in half
● Open dozens of new markets
● Create new revenue streams
● Build legacy brands

Kind Words

from Members Like You.

"Working with TAG was truly the best investment I could have ever made for my business. 

I now have great systems in place to grow my team with confidence and financial stability. I always knew I wanted to grow a team, but was unsure of how to properly train and show my employees. Turns out, I just needed these resources to kick-start the growth. Now, I have four amazing employees with a company culture that is unmatched! I will never be able to thank Ashley and Dale enough for what they provided my company.”

Misty Roberts

"Take it from me: this will help you get where you need to be with a framework built to help you grow! DO IT!! 

I was FULLY skeptical, but can confidently say I've learned tangible steps that give me the vision for where my business and energy need to go in order to scale my business properly. You'll walk away with direction and hope that you can really buy your time back!"

Ivan Wognin

"I have worked with a few coaches in my day and no other program has given me the take-aways like TAG.

I found The Abundance Group and knew I had to join.  My business was growing at an exponential speed in a short amount of time and I felt like I needed to get ahead rather than behind trying to catch up. Ashley and Dale balance each other perfectly in this program; I felt like I was getting a 2-in-1 approach. I am now setting my team up as employees and taking on more clients by the week!"


With the right coaches by your side, you will feel the freedom that owning a well-run business brings.

I need coaching like this!

Training: Have the right education at your fingertips.

You get immediate access to world-class training built by the daughter and dad duo with decades of experience and have helped improve the lives of over a million people around the world.

With The Abundance Group -

When you become a member of TAG, you receive complimentary access to all our courses, training, and tools. With an ever-growing library of resources on team building strategy, it will take your business into the stratosphere. 

Learn from Courses like the Building Your Team Intensive (BYTI)

This is our signature course that hundreds have gone through, with a 100% satisfaction rate.

We introduce you to the TAG Method which is structured around 3 core pillars essential for building a dream team.

The course features 12 detailed modules, equipping you with knowledge and strategies used by billion-dollar brands. 

The TAG Method

A Proven Framework for Building Dream Teams


• Abundance Mindset
• Financial Discernment
• Solid Legal Foundation
• Strategic Team Structure


• Sound Recruiting Process
• Clearly Set Expectations
• Well Developed SOPs
• Effective Training Programs


• Healthy Team Dynamics
• Purposeful Talent Management
• Confident Leadership
• Strong Team Culture

Sign me UP!

"If you have any hesitancy about signing up for The Abundance Group, just do it. You won't regret it!

I already had 1 full time employee and a bookkeeper, so I worried the Intensive would be too robust for me. I kept seeing the Intensive everywhere, so I figured it was a sign and I should just join. I am so glad that I did! The Intensive gave me so many ideas on how to find the right hires, made me more confident in my interviews and offers, and gave me the confidence to manage a team. During the Intensive, I actually hired 2 more people because I was fired up."

Bianca Trevino

"They gave me the confidence to grow my business and team the proper way!

Before The Abundance Group Intensive, I was completely lost in my business and didn’t know which direction to go. I knew I wanted to grow my team but had no clue how. Dale + Ashley answered all of the questions I had and more that I didn’t know that I needed to ask. I will be forever grateful for this program!”


"Building a team felt super overwhelming, and I worried about getting all the moving parts “right”. 

Luckily, this program will thoughtfully guide you through a holistic hiring process - covering everything you’ve likely thought about, and more importantly, everything you don’t even know you should be thinking about. If you’re ready to grow your team,
don’t do it without Ashley and Dale by your side!"

Sarah Blodgett

And enjoy other courses, tools, and templates like:

● Finding the Right Talent Course
● The Ultimate Guide to Building a Team
● Employee Handbook Example
● Job Description Template
● SOP for Firing a Team Member
● W9, I9, 941s, and ALL IRS Documents
● Dealing with a Difficult Team Member Workbook
● Custom Financial Spreadsheets:
  • On Paying Your Team & Profitable Team Growth
● Onboarding Checklist
● The Complete Guide to Hiring
● Example Sales SOP
● Tips on Holding Effective Meetings
● Performance Management Forms
● Professional Development Plans
● Applicant Form Questions
● Candidate Rejection Email Templates
● Employee Agreement
● Independent Contractor Agreement
● Restrictive Covenants Agreement
● Interviewing Best Practices and Tips
● List of Costs for Employers
● Sample Interview Questions
● Sample Offer Letters
● SOP Documentation Guide
● Team Availability and Scheduler
● …. and we build more tools at the request of our TAG community!

Wow!  I need all of these!

"Before working with TAG, we were unsure how to scale our business and the steps to take to build a strong and healthy team. 

But now, we feel like a weight has been lifted off our shoulders- TAG covers it all. Since joining, we have scaled our team with 5 additional team members! This has allowed us to take on more clients and increase our revenue just like we envisioned! We would not have been able to get this far without the incredible TAG Team."


"We spent over a year dreaming about building a team, but were frozen by fear and what if's.

TAG is the ultimate resource to answer questions of all capacities about the myriad of facets to running a team. The only way to step past that fear was to feel like we had the support of those with experience in our corner and that's exactly what Ashley and Dale did for us!"


The tried and true principles of building effective teams works if you are a 10,000 person company or a 2 person company. Because whether you are leading 1 or leading 1,000 - the fundamentals are exactly the same.  

Fortune 500 companies paid over $50,000 per engagement to get access to this training, and now you can have it at your fingertips.

Let me in on the leadership secrets.

Community: Have the right network to tap into.

With The Abundance Group -

You will be surrounded by like-minded, driven business owners that are going through the same challenges you are.

Ahem, remember the year we don’t speak of?... Where we hoarded toilet paper and cloroxed our groceries? Where we stood 6 feet apart everywhere we went?

Remember how isolating and scary that felt? Masks and mandates. Scarcity and sickness. Unknown of what was to come. The loneliness was real.

Statistics show that business owners feel a 2020 level of isolation throughout their entrepreneurial journey.

Lonely because:
● Friends and family don’t really grasp the pressure
● They have no work life balance
● There is no one to help with decision making
● There is not a lot of peer support
● There are challenges that others don’t understand

At The Abundance Group, we are on a mission for business owners to have a safe place to vocalize their worries, gain support for their ideas, and get feedback from their peers.

The Abundance Group can be your army of allies that understand the ups and downs of entrepreneurship and are able to relate like no one else can.

Because we are all business owners developing teams.

I'll join the ally army!

As a community, we connect through:

Monthly Group Calls
● Member to Member Business Referrals
● Daily Connections via Voxer
● Monthly Book Club (on the Top Leadership books)
● Key Introductions from Ashley + Dale with their Business Network
● Quarterly Training for Your Team Members on Team Dynamics/Temperaments.
● Curated Connections within the TAG Community
● And In Person Mastermind Meetups!
All included!

Beyond that our community partners together to exchange ideas, expand our networks, and engage in deep discussion. 

Are you ready to leave the loneliness behind and lock arms with other business owners as you build your dream team? 

Yes!  Applying right now!

If there is one thing I’m willing to bet on, it’s myself.”                         

— Beyoncé

We all need to have a Beyoncé level of confidence in our dreams.

And hey, if you need a little more assurance…

When you join TAG, we expect that you will 20 times your investment in our program within 2 years.

Because we have seen countless clients do it.

Because the training we have built transforms business owners.

Because you are one introduction away from a life changing opportunity. 

Traditionally, the stock market will give you a 10% per year return (and that’s generously speaking). That means our program has a 200 X better return than the stock market.

You would take those odds in Vegas any day.

Stop second guessing. Pull a Beyoncé and apply now!  

"I went in with so many questions about starting my team. I now feel equipped to do so, and to do it well! 

TAG is full of actionable information, real-life business examples, expert speakers and real-time coaching with Ashley and Dale. The connections in the group are invaluable. I truly have a team and support system while growing my team, and feel empowered and educated to make it happen!"

Erica Boe

"As the owner of a creative business, the complexities and legalities of growing a team at times were very overwhelming. 

I so desperately wanted to do it the right way, but really had no idea what I was doing. Ashley and Dale demystified the entire process of hiring and managing a successful team, and made it, dare I say, fun?! They are wonderful coaches who truly care about the professionals in their program. I am so grateful for the successful team I’ve built because of TAG’s help.”

Kay Northrup

“Joining The Abundance Group was one of the best decisions I made for my business. 

Being able to ask questions in real time is huge. I do not think that I would be where I am at with my team if it wasn't for TAG. I am now confident in my interview process and love my training process because of them. I highly recommend working with Dale and Ashley if you can.”

Liz Courtney

Apply Today

Who we help:

Is this for you?

Our community is for owners that have 1 - 10 team members, and have a typical topline revenue of $300k - $3 million.

This mastermind will help if you have an in person team or virtual team and even if you have tried to build a team before and were disappointed at the results.


• WEDDING + Event PROs
• social media managers

Frequently Asked Questions

How much 1:1 coaching do I get? 

You get unlimited 1:1 coaching. You can text or voice message Ashley anytime - day or night, 365 days a year. Ashley will respond within one business day and roughly once per working day. You are also able to schedule 30 minute private coaching sessions with Dale as needed. Our members tend to need this level of support every other month or so.

How much time will I need to dedicate to being a part of TAG?

1 or 2 hours per week. This includes working with your TAG coaches, connecting with your peers, reviewing the team training and tools, and participating in group calls.

When and where is the in-person event? 

The next TAG Mastermind is scheduled for May 2025 in Minneapolis, MN.

How many members are there? 

Due to the high touch nature of the coaching component to our program - we are currently limited to only 100 members.

How long is the commitment to be a part of TAG?

The minimum commitment is 12 months, with many of our members staying a part of the group for years. Building a dream team takes time and intentionality so we need to be sure to work together long enough to make a big impact!

How do I connect with other TAG Members?

You can connect in a number of ways! Through our monthly group coaching calls, our monthly book club, a direct introduction from Ashley or Dale, and in person at our meet-ups.

“Joining TAG eliminated the clutter and late night hours spent researching the steps needed to take to grow a sustainable team. 

Within the first three weeks, I hired a Social Media Manager AND an Online Business Manager. Now, just a few months later, I am in the process of hiring three more team members following Ashley and Dale's tried-and-true hiring and onboarding process. Not only that, but I have restructured our finances so we won't miss a beat along the way.”

Lindsey Kramer

When you join The Abundance Group, you get immediate access to:

● Daily Voice Coaching with Ashley
● 30 Minute Private Coaching Sessions with Dale
● Weekly Audits + Reviews of SOPs and other Assets
● Monthly Live Group Training Calls
● The Building Your Team Intensive
● Our Finding the Right Talent Course
● All Tools and Templates built by TAG
● Member to Member Business Referrals
● Curated Connections within the TAG Community
● Key Introductions and Access to Ashley & Dale's Business Network
● Quarterly Training for Your Team on Team Dynamics + Temperaments
● Monthly Leadership Book Club hosted by Dale
● AND… a Complimentary Invite to Our Annual In-Person Mastermind!

Yes!  Applying right now!

But will this help me if...

I have tried to scale with a team before and it didn’t work out?

Absolutely! Scaling with a team can feel challenging, especially if you tried to do it alone. It's understandable to feel hesitant based on your past experience. However, TAG is designed to address the common pitfalls and obstacles that happen during scaling. We focus on strategic planning, effective process, and unlocking high performance, all of which are essential for a thriving team. By applying these principles, along with our support and guidance, you'll be equipped to build a cohesive, efficient team that can give you the freedom you deserve! 

I only want to build a small, but mighty team?

That is fantastic! A small and mighty team is a great goal. Focusing on a smaller team allows for closer collaboration, greater agility, and a strong, shared sense of purpose. At TAG, we work on identifying the core competencies of your team, optimizing your recruitment process, and fostering a culture where every member feels valued and motivated. This way, your small team won't just be mighty; it'll be exceptional at achieving big things!

I want to build an empire, $3M will be in my rearview!

Because of Ashley and Dale’s unique experience coaching companies from $50k - $50 billion in revenue, their vast knowledge can help you pour gasoline on your goals. With TAGs tailored approach, your vision isn’t just a possibility—we will make an actionable plan! We'll leverage our expertise in scaling operations, enhancing profitability, and strategic planning to ensure you have the tools and insights needed to accelerate your growth. Let’s turn your vision into reality together, step by step!

I’m not 100% sure I want a team?

Our community is built with the assumption that you are wanting to scale beyond being a solopreneur. Our training, tools, opportunities, and members are focused on leadership and team development. So if you are on the fence about building a team, we might not be the best fit for you at this stage in your journey. When you’re ready to take that step towards building a team, come back and find us. We'll be ready to help you with the right resources and guidance to ensure your success!

I’m not sure if I would be a good leader…

Leadership is not a personality characteristic. It’s a skill you learn! If you care about your team, care about your business, and care about reaching your goals, that means not only will you be a good leader, we can help you be a GREAT one. TAG offers world class training and support to help you develop your leadership skills. You'll learn how to motivate your team, make strategic decisions, and communicate effectively, all of which are essential to leading successfully. So, don’t worry about whether you were born a leader, because the truth is no one was - great leaders are intentional and simply learned the skill.

I’m on the fence on investing in 1:1 coaching.

I’ve heard some doozies of coaches that make big promises only to ghost their clients when they need it most… 

We know, and this absolutely breaks our heart. That's why we commit to being completely transparent and accessible throughout our coaching relationship.

We not only promise support; we deliver it consistently. Trust is the foundation of our coaching, and we work hard to build and maintain it with every client.

We believe there are countless reasons the right coach is one of the most worthwhile investments you can make. But these are our top 3 reasons:


Personalized Support 

With so many courses, gurus, and thought leaders out there telling you things like “don’t sweat the small stuff” but “the devil is in the details” it is overwhelming to know the right next step for your business. When you take the leap to invest in a coach you are saying “yes” to tailored guidance that cuts through the noise. This focused support ensures that every decision you make is informed and every step you take is intentional.


Deep understanding of your unique business 

Been there and done that. Made the mistakes, wasted the time, and paid the tax. When you work with coaches that are ahead of you on the journey, they can turn around and extend their hand to help. They know how to advise you because they have been there before - allowing them to provide you with clear, actionable advice that is grounded in real-world success and failures. Their insights can help you avoid common pitfalls and accelerate your progress by leveraging proven strategies and personalized tips that align with your goals and challenges. 


Specific step-by-step instruction 

Each business with a team has its own set of challenges and opportunities, which requires a coach who not only listens but also understands your specific team dynamics, internal systems, and personal goals. This ensures that the advice and strategies you receive are not just effective but also perfectly aligned with your unique business vision.

Typical high level coaching costs between $20k - $30k a year.

(Heck, Dale charges over $50,000 for a 3-month engagement.)

But we wanted to make joining TAG the easiest “YES!” you have ever made.

If you want to know more about pricing, payment plans, and other important questions - apply and set up a call with us today so we can give you all the details.

Submit your Application

"I needed to expand my tiny team FAST to support my flower farm, retail shop, and wedding floral business.

As a farmer-florist, I knew I needed a team but didn't feel like I fit in any specific niche for coaching until I came across TAG! Ashley and Dale cultivated such a supportive group of entrepreneurs and have such vast experience in lots of industries. I gained so much confidence as a business owner, and highly recommend TAG if you're ready to scale your business!"

Sydney Garvey

"Joining The Abundance Group was a leap of faith that now feels like one of the best business decisions I’ve made.

I’ve been delighted by the level of support and the depth of their services. They are prompt, thorough, insightful, full of suggestions, and calmly reassuring. The TAG team is truly interested in getting to know me and my business, and want to help me design my personal roadmap for success. So glad to have a team to share the wins and help wade through the tough moments."

Susan Kolman

We know you are ready to leave behind feelings of isolation and overwhelm. Step confidently into your GROWTH ERA.

With a dream team you can increase your income, cut back on your work hours, and provide a job for others that they love!

Don’t let next year feel like this year —full of the same challenges and the same routines. Break the cycle and take the first step toward a healthier, more aligned business.

Your new community is waiting, holding their breath, hoping that you take the leap.

Apply to Join Us Today