You dreamt up the perfect business. You built it. It became incredibly successful and things were going swimmingly. You were loving the solopreneur life without a risk or care in the world. Then your business grew larger than you ever imagined and suddenly you found yourself making sacrifices. You started sacrificing time, you started turning […]
You’ve built an amazing business and you’re ready to hire! But…who do you hire? Do you hire an independent contractor or an employee of your company? What’s the difference? Is an independent contractor better than an employee or vis versa? Does it matter? Oh the questions how they just keep coming!! Let’s dive in to […]
Many small business owners are hesitant to build a team because they aren’t sure they can afford it. They worry that if they hire help, they won’t be able to pay their employee (s) in the future and they are afraid. They worry about failure and embarrassment if they were to take the next step […]