5 Most Common Mistakes Made by Wedding Pros

No matter how long you’ve been in business or how experienced you are, anyone is bound to make a few mistakes. You would be surprised how many mistakes we’ve made along the way, but it’s in our nature as humans to have a few bumps in the road or for things not to go as planned.

However, we’ve noticed a pattern between the mistakes we see made from other wedding pros, and that’s what we’ll be sharing with you today to hopefully remove a few of those bumps.

Losing Sight of Your Why

When you’ve been in business for a while or you start to feel burnt out, it can be easy to forget about our why– why we’re doing all of this to begin with or what fuels us. Losing sight of our why can even make us feel like we don’t want to be in business anymore. However, your why should be your ultimate driving force. Everyone’s why is unique, so it sets you apart in that way and pulls people towards you.

Discontinuing Education

Once you get to a place where you’ve reached your version of success and you’re comfortable in how you’re running business, you may feel like you know everything. Honestly, that probably couldn’t be farther from the truth. Take us at The Abundance Group, for example. Although we have tons of experience from not only running TAG but our other businesses before this, you can bet your top dollar we’re continually investing in education to further develop our skills and abilities.

This isn’t to say you should spend every second of free time on education, but if you can set aside even 30 minutes per day, that’s still a total of over 2 hours of education per week, which is the perfect amount.

Delayed Responsiveness

One of the simplest things you can do to ensure your clients have a great experience is to be sure to be responsive in your communication. While we all get busy sometimes, try to respond back to your clients within at least an hour or two. If you can reply immediately, that would be best. It may seem like nothing to make sure you’re responding in a timely manner, but this is a mistake we see being made all too often among wedding pros.

If you want to make this easier on yourself, you can usually create templates in your email service provider of responses to the most common questions you get asked. That way, instead of finding yourself typing the same thing twenty times per day, you can just choose a message template, change a few words (like the name of who you’re replying to), and send it off!

Lack of Online Activity

No matter what platform you’re using for marketing, you should always be sure you’re active on it. If a potential client is searching for wedding pros on Instagram, for example, they’re more likely to skip over accounts who haven’t posted anything in a long time because it may give the impression that they’re no longer in business, even if that couldn’t be farther from the truth.

Forgetting About Yourself

It’s common to get so caught up in our work and caring for everyone else that we forget about ourselves. Instead of spending all day taking care of everyone else’s needs, make some extra time just for yourself. Even if you wake up 30 minutes earlier to enjoy peace and quiet with a cup of coffee or to read a chapter of your favorite book, that short time can make a world of difference. Self-care is just as important to us in our business as everything else.

These mistakes can easily be fixed. Even if you just work on correcting one at a time, you’ll surely notice results in your business. So, remember your why, continue learning, respond timely, post something on your platforms, and care for yourself, and the changes will make waves in your wedding business. You’ve got this!


5 Most Common Mistakes Made by Wedding Pros

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The Abundance Group

At The Abundance Group (TAG), we are a community of resilient, kind, and resourceful wedding professionals who support and uplift one another. Led by Ashley Ebert.

Ashley owns a wedding planning business that has grown into a team of over 30 planners across 7 locations - grossing over $7 million in sales (and counting), but it definitely didn't start out that way.

Once her workload had outgrown the number of hours available in the day, Ashley knew the only way to grow her business and regain a sense of balance was to grow a team. Sound familiar?

With years of experience and a heart for helping small business owners, Ashley has dedicated herself to supporting entrepreneurs in scaling their businesses efficiently and joyfully.

After 10 years of scaling her wedding planning business to one of the largest wedding planning companies in the country, Ashley realized that the next chapter of her career was surrounding wedding professionals and getting them the support they deserved as they scaled their business. She pursued her dream of mentoring and building community with small business owners and founded The Abundance Group.

The Abundance Group isn't just a community; it's a lifelong passion project for an entrepreneur whose heart is to give the sense of freedom to as many small businesses as possible.

With ashley by your side, YOU CAN scale your business. YOU CAN LIVE YOUR DREAM. AND HAVE A WHOLE LOT OF FUN while DOING IT!