Many entrepreneurs are staggering out of busy season feeling exhausted, dizzy, and overwhelmed. They’ve just poured every last ounce of themselves into their business and their clients and now they are wondering what to do next. Some begin to question their career altogether and wonder if this is even worth it. They are feeling burned […]

You are ready to start your team but you are terrified you’re going to mess it up! As a matter of fact, this feeling has likely caused you to put off this decision for far too long. When you venture into something completely new, it can seem overwhelming and terrifying. Trust us, we know because […]

Many small business owners are hesitant to build a team because they aren’t sure they can afford it. They worry that if they hire help, they won’t be able to pay their employee (s) in the future and they are afraid. They worry about failure and embarrassment if they were to take the next step […]